Stakeholder Management

Personal Development

Stakeholder Management

Training overview

Working in projects means dealing with Stakeholders. Examples of Stakeholders are managers, group leaders or a project leader. Also, in meetings you will deal with Stakeholders, such as the chairman, a specialist or other decision makers. This training will help you understand, how you can effectively deal with Stakeholders and how you can get them to help you instead of having the idea that Stakeholders make your life difficult.

Target audience

Do you recognize the following statements?

  • There are so many people involved; how should I ‘know my way’ in our project organization?
  • I feel like I miss opportunities because, to be honest, I don’t know who actually makes the decisions in my project.
  • I notice that I react differently to ‘seniors’; I am not even sure how I should react, because I have less experience.
  • I tend to postpone difficult conversations with important people or managers.

Did you recognize yourself in (some of) the statements? Then this training addresses just what you need, to become more effective in managing your stakeholders!

Learning objectives

  • You will be able to understand how different people with different interests (in a project or in a meeting) work with or against each other and how you can handle that.
  • You will be able to determine how you sometimes can influence the outcome directly yourself, but sometimes have to involve someone else.
  • You will able to go up to a manager, to have a good conversation about something of which you feel you need to do it. Especially with something, of which you first thought it was really difficult.


Evening 1: Tuesday October 28th: Managing Stakeholders and yourself

-Learn how stakeholders influence each other and how to navigate these dynamics.

-Proactive vs. reactive: Master proactive strategies to achieve your goals.

-Gain tools to handle your initial responses in high-stress moments.

- Practice: Apply these skills in scenarios relevant to your work.

Evening 2: Tuesday November 11th: Tackling challenging conversations

- Talking with Your Manager: Develop skills to approach challenging discussions confidently.

- Practical Application: Practice learned skills in real-life cases with group support.

Evening 3: Tuesday November 25th: Refining and applying your skills

- Personal Style Development: Fine-tune your unique stakeholder management approach.

- Peer Learning: Work through cases, share feedback, and learn from each other.

- Reflection and Growth: Enjoy an interactive space to build confidence and inspire one another.

Your trainers

Rutger Beekelaar and Roel Bonten will make sure that the evenings have sufficient room for theory, practice and questions, in a pleasant and safe atmosphere.

Rutger Beekelaar is an academic Engineer with a lot of experience in the High Tech sector varying from test engineer to department manager. Currently Rutger is working part-time for the knowledge institute TNO. The other part of his workweek, he has been training and coaching technical professionals since 2007. In 2012 he has rounded off the education Coaching for Professionals and was registered as Qualified Coach at the STiR.

Roel Bonten has worked since more than 20 years as a trainer / coach / consultant in ‘trade & industry’. With a background as a psychologist, he helps professionals and leaders in their personal and professional development. They often find out that – besides professional knowledge – also personal communication, self-management, consultancy and management/leadership are professions in themselves. Synergy between individual and organisational goals are pivotal to him.


1250 Bright Coins including dinner and drinks


Date October 28, 2025
Time 17:00 - 21:00
Seats 8 from 12 available
Organizer Bright Institute
Phone +31 040 230 4117
Venue Bright institute, High Tech Campus 68, 5656 AG Eindhoven, The Netherlands

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