Lab of Life- Online Training

Personal Development

Lab of Life- Online Training

Training overview

Participate in the training and experience more energy, more control and a healthy work-life balance. After The Lab of Life vitality training you will feel more comfortable in your own skin, at home and at work. You will actively work on what is important to YOU. An emphasis on self-directed behaviour change for practical, lasting changes in your daily life. Don't run after the facts, but instead get behind the wheel. After a vitality training by The Lab of Life you simply feel better. At home and at work.

The Lab of Life method: Serious Science

We make use of scientifically proven techniques to bring about an effective change in behaviour. The Lab of Life method was developed by renowned behavioural scientists from Radboud University in Nijmegen, under the auspices of Prof. R. van Baaren. So, it is not a spiritual quest, but hard work. Not a recipe for happiness, but control over your life. Not temporary inspiration, but lasting results.

The aim of the training is to evoke lasting behaviour change. Because of this, all – 2 hours - sessions consist of individual assignments in which you as a participant translate your values and goals to practical and sustainable changes in your daily lives. At the end of the training you will have concrete plans to maintain a healthy work-life energy balance. To guarantee lasting results, personal learning goals and a vitality strategy are entered into an online environment that continues to support participants following the completion of the training.

Target audience

Do you recognize the following statements?

  • I do have a strong sense of responsibility
  • I tend to have a perfectionistic approach
  • I experience a high workload
  • If I’m honest to myself I believe I know, what I would like to change in my daily patterns, but I find it hard to get from ‘wanting to doing’

And? Did you recognize yourself in (some of) the statements? Then this training addresses just what you need to become more effective in managing your personal well-being and vitality!


Session 1: Personal balance analysis, September 17th, 2024

What does your daily life look like now and what would you like to change? During the first meeting we have every participant map out their energy level and work-life balance.

Session 2: Mental and physical energy, October 1st, 2024

What are your energy needs and what circumstances affect your energy balance? During the second session we teach participants to recognise mental and physical signals and resistances, and they learn to apply this knowledge to situations in their daily lives.

Session 3: Working from qualities, values and goals, October 15th, 2024

What do you find important in life? What are you good at? How can you realise your personal goals? During the third session participants get a broader view of their fundamental qualities, values, and goals in order to orient their daily lives towards them.

Session 4: Personal vitality strategy, October 29th, 2024

Which old habits have you been able to change, and what behaviours have been difficult to adjust? During the fourth session participants learn to identify and break through bottlenecks and problematic patterns, and subsequently how to increase their self-efficacy.

Session 5: Evaluation and maintenance, November 12th, 2024

What have you learned and achieved during the training? How can you anticipate and prepare for future challenges and possibilities? During the last session participants analyse their progress and create a maintenance strategy for the future. This is essential to achieve sustainable changes in behaviour.

Be aware: every session only lasts 2 hours (19.00-21.00hr)

Your facilitator

Roel has as a psychologist broad experience as trainer, coach and consultant. With his company ‘Bevlogen Professionals’ his focus is on realizing sustainable, meaningful development and results: for individuals and companies.

Costs: 1800 Bright Coins including dinner and drinks


Date September 17, 2024
Time 19:00 - 21:00
Seats 11 from 12 available
Organizer Bright Institute
Phone +31 040 230 4117
Venue Bright institute, High Tech Campus 68, 5656 AG Eindhoven, The Netherlands

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