Discover your strengths

Personal Development

Discover your strengths

Training overview

This workshop is divided in two sessions on separate days. Every session takes three hours and is all about your strengths, from identification to understanding of related themes and the actual use of your strengths at work.

Once you know about the possibilities and the importance of embracing and using your strengths, you’ll have all the courage and knowledge you need to steer your career to a success and adjust when the fit isn’t there.

In the first workshop we start with the outcome of the strengths test you filled out before the workshop. We will identify what the different strengths mean, to what domain they belong and how you can recognize them in your life and work. Through different fun and informative activities you will explore the underlying facts about positive psychology, job design and job crafting. With this proven method you can upgrade your work to a job that matches your inner power. We also pay attention to the art of continuous learning by getting to know and finding out all about learning styles like intuitive and imaginary learning. We end this workshop with a challenge that is personal and helpful to set goals at work related to your strengths. You will go home with concrete and personalized action items to use your strengths at work. Find a mentor / buddy to engage and you learn a super method to ask your colleagues how they see you at your best.

In the second workshop you bring your strengths development to the next level with the input of the previous session, feedback from your colleagues and your experiences with your personal challenge. You will dive into strengths leadership with knowledge and personal practice all about getting to know your favorite style.

In this session we also pay attention to your weaknesses and especially how to work around them. We learn about the role of curiosity and learning abilities. Last but not least you will learn to speak up about your ambition with story design and storytelling, the basis to be understood.

Target audience

Why would you spend time to find out what makes your strengths come to life? If you are already good at something, just go with the flow will do, right?... I know and research tells that you can do much better and have even more fun while trying. Because when you know what your strengths look like, you’ll want to spend time on developing them even more. It’s almost addictive to recognize and develop the power within yourself. You will identify more possibilities and your mindset will shift from fixed to growth.
A great way to boost your career!

Learning objectives

  • Understand the science behind positive psychology and the Strengths approach.
  • Discover your strengths with a StrengthsFinder test by Tom Rath.
  • Build YOUR bridge between Strengths identification and Strengths use.

What would happen if you truly know your strengths
and using them would be your natural behavior?
With this workshop you are going to find out.
Research shows that developing your strengths will give you more motivation, power and
understanding about how to get the best out of work and life. A great investment in yourself!

Your trainer

Felice Manshanden has been working with technicians for about 15 years. With a Philips-father and family in engineering, she feels at home in this sector. With a broad background in social psychology, strategic talent management, talent and organizational development as well as applied philosophy, she masters the art of human movement.

She is driven to move them in the direction of the most potential and therein lies the connection with the field of Positive Psychology. As an independent organizational consultant and strengths developer, she is active within various sectors with advice, coaching & training to let strengths development penetrate into the capillaries of our work ecology.


900 Bright Coins


Date August 28, 2024
Time 17:00 - 21:00
Seats 1 from 10 available
Organizer Bright Institute
Phone +31 040 230 4117
Venue Bright institute, High Tech Campus 68, 5656 AG Eindhoven, The Netherlands

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