11072018 1531300203

Dynamical systems theory can significantly contribute to the understanding and control of fluid flows. Fluid dynamical systems are governed by the Navier-Stokes equations, which are continuous in both time and space, resulting in a state space of infinite dimension. To incorporate tools from systems theory it has become common practise to approximate the infinite-dimensional system by a finite-dimensional lumped system. Current techniques for this reduction step are data driven and produce models which are sensitive to the simulation or experimental conditions. This dissertation proposes a rigorous and practical methodology for the derivation of accurate finite-dimensional approximations and output feedback controllers directly from the governing equations. The approach combines state-space discretisation of the linearised Navier-Stokes equations with balanced truncation to design experimentally feasible low-order controllers. The approximation techniques can be used to design any suitable linear controller. In this study the reduced-order controllers are designed within an H2 optimal control framework to account for external disturbances and measurement noise. Application is focused on control of laminar wall-bounded shear flows to delay the classical transition process initially governed by two-dimensional convective perturbations, to extend laminar flow and reduce skin friction drag. The controllers are successfully tested in the vertical wind tunnel at the TU Delft.

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